Foods You Can Eat on the Paleo Diet - Veggies - Part 2

Foods You Can Eat on the Paleo Diet - Veggies - Part 2

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January 4, 2024
Paleo Diet
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Here is a list of 10 veggies you can eat on the paleo diet.

1. Cucumber
Cucumbers are a very healthy choice no matter which diet plan you’re following, but you should give them extra attention when eating a Paleo meal plan. They are packed with water so they can help your body stay hydrated, and keep you alert and focused. Plus they can be eaten solo or used in a recipe or on a salad.

2. Parsley
Even though this is often used as a garnish, it’s actually quite a nutritious food with cleansing properties. You can dice it up and use it to top just about any meat item, and it especially goes great with fish and chicken. Add it to a green smoothie with other Paleo veggies for a crisp flavor.

3. Dandelion
You might look at this as just a flower, but it’s a highly edible flower and one that has many health benefits. Dandelion extract is also one supplement you may want to look into for the same caliber of benefits. These go great on top of salads, both as decoration and added nutrients.

4. Eggplant
Eggplant has sort of a prehistoric feel to it, all purply and bulbous, and it’s easy to imagine early man finding a vegetable similar to eggplant while out on their gathering missions. It cooks up wonderfully and tastes great with a wide assortment of meats.

5. Endive
Adding endive to your salad will add to its flavor profile, and offer additional nutrients that other lettuces don’t have. It also has a nice bright color, so it can add to the visual appeal as well. It’s important to get enough veggies like this to balance out all the meat you’ll be consuming.

6. Mustard Greens
Add mustard greens to any salad and it will immediately look fancier and taste better. They have a peppery taste that many enjoy, and that add something new to the palate. It also has its own share of nutritional goodness, so you’ll also be enhancing the amount of vitamins and minerals you’ll be getting.

7. Green Onions
Green onions are often used as a garnish, and it’s one that you don’t have to go without while eating a Paleo diet. They not only add that little something, they also pack their fair share of flavor, so it’s nice to enjoy them in a myriad of recipes.

8. Kale
Kale gives spinach a run for its money in the nutrition department, and it’s a heavier and bulkier green that you should add to your meals more often. It contains a ton of phytonutrients giving you anti-cancer defenses as well as protecting against free radical damage.

9. Onions
Onions make a great veggie for Paleo followers because they’re easy to come buy, cheap, and can be eaten raw as a garnish or sauted to a golden brown and used to enhance the flavor of beef and chicken.

10. Mushrooms
You don’t have to be picky with the type of mushrooms you eat, as they’re all considered Paleo friendly. These must have been some of the easiest vegetables for pre-modern man to eat, since they just had to find them and pick them from the ground, just making sure not to eat the poisonous ones.

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Related video about Paleo Diet:
1. Foods You Can Eat on the Paleo Diet - Meat
2. Foods You Can Eat on the Paleo Diet - Fish
3. Foods You Can Eat on the Paleo Diet - Veggies - Part 1
4. 10 Food You Should Avoid On Paleo Diet

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