3 BAD Habits That Are Blocking God's Blessings!

3 BAD Habits That Are Blocking God's Blessings!

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We have to understand the role that we play in the process of blocking God’s blessings and it is important to embrace it. In life, we have free will and choices that we have to make, but if we make the wrong choice or choose to walk in a path that walks away from God then we cannot expect to receive God’s blessings. You’re blocking God’s blessings by essentially rejecting the path God wants you to walk.

No one is perfect I only want to make sure you all are putting your best foot forward as best as you can and ensure that you receive God’s blessings. Below are the 3 signs that you’re blocking God’s blessings that I discuss in this video and the time where I mention the signs in this video

1. You're trying to lean on your understanding and not His

Generally, people don't embrace what God is trying to set up in their lives and end up blocking their Christian blessings only because what God is saying to them does not line up with their logic or it’s not making sense to them or it's not in accordance with what people say or believe in. You have to keep an open mind when it comes to God, God’s blessings can come in ways we cannot imagine, sometimes requiring a process that we will not understand. Always lean on God’s understanding, not your own or other people’s understanding.

2. You are praying to make a petition or a request, you are not praying to seek guidance and direction

Usually, people pray to dictate to God what they want to happen in their life not realizing that that is a conflict of interest because what you want may not be what you need. Furthermore, what you need, desire, and how you see things may not be what God wants to bless you with in your life. Pray to seek guidance, ask God what you should be saying to me about this situation, and that way you will not be blocking God’s blessings.

3. When you are walking in fear not faith

If you dwell in doubt and fear then you’re blocking God’s blessings and to avoid blocking God’s blessings you require faith, trusting God, and not people. Sometimes the fears are there because we have not healed from past disappointments where we thought God was going to provide for us but it did not happen and we ended up not trusting ourselves anymore, we don't trust that we're hearing God because last time it didn't work out. You have to lean on faith or walk in faith if you're going to receive God's blessings or Christian blessings or anything else that is going to take you off that path.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach for women and men, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you as well as help you live a higher quality of life. I pray that you find this life advice video helpful. If you are asking yourself the following questions;

- What are the signs you’re blocking God’s blessings?
- Is God withholding blessings?
- What can I do to receive my Christian blessings?
- What can I do to get God’s blessings
- Am I blocking God’s blessings?
- How do you know if you’re blocking your blessings?
- Will God block my blessings?
- Blocking God's blessings
- Blocking blessings
- How to stop blocking God's blessings

Well, I believe this life advice video will give you the clarity you need.

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