3 Signs He's Not Serious About You

3 Signs He's Not Serious About You

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Can you relate to this . . .

You’ve been dating someone for months and see them once or twice a week. You’ve gotten into a pretty good rhythm, but at the same time, things aren’t really moving forward either. You’re wondering: “Do they like me? I feel like they do, and yet, I don’t know whether this is going anywhere . . .”

In this week’s brand-new video, I give you 3 specific things to look for when you want to know if someone’s serious (or headed in that direction).

►► FREE download: “9 Texts No Man Can Resist” → http://www.9texts.com

►► FREE download: “5 Compliments to Get Him Addicted to You” → http://www.SayThisToHim.com

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▼ Chapters ▼

0:00 – 0:54 – Knowing If Someone Isn’t Serious
0:54 – 3:52 – #1 Inconsistency in Communication or Energy
3:52 – 5:14 – #2 Unwillingness to Project Into the Future
5:14 – 7:08 – #3 You Get the Sense That You’re Standing Still
7:08 – 8:37 – “Do They Like Me?”
8:37 – 11:06 – The Power to Create Your Own Culture

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