9 Hidden Truths About Love

9 Hidden Truths About Love

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1. Relationships are ALWAYS a risk. There is no way around it. You can't avoid risk and you will get hurt - even in the right relationship (and not always through a breakup)! Embrace the pain because with pain comes growth and healing.

2. The more you let go of trying to control the outcome, the more your relationship will flourish. Relationships are a continual act of letting go. Your love life will thrive when you take your hands off the wheel and focus on being present and open.

3. Your relationship is a platform to bring your gifts. Think of it like a stage where you are supported to share, give, and become more of yourself. When you see relationships this way, you stop trying to 'get' from the relationship and instead, look for ways to be generous.

4. Your well-being comes before communication. When triggered, talking often backfires. Regulate your emotions first - the "urgent" issue may evaporate. People think the content matters most. Even more important is learning to self-soothe. Your inner peace dissolves many problems you thought you had to discuss.

5. People follow your lead on how to treat you. If your internal self-talk is destructive, you may attract people that subtly don't respect you or your potential. If you discount your value, others are more likely to do the same to you.

6. The relationships you had with your parents are your default model for love. You will unconsciously play out dynamics from your childhood in your present relationships. When you bring awareness to healing your past, you create a new option for loving in all of your relationships.

7. Your partner will see you at your absolute best and your absolute worst. Remember, it's a privilege to be seen this fully and this witnessing will unlock some of the deepest opportunities for growth you will do in your lifetime.

8. Fill your partner's cup by filling yours so much that it overflows. When you nourish yourself you nourish your relationships.

9. Change is inevitable in a relationship. Both people will transform in ways they never imagined. The path is finding new versions of you that feel like upgraded evolutions from the previous versions of yourself.

10 (Bonus). A relationship won't make you happy. Who you become in that relationship will. The responsibility is yours.

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