Don't Let Any Man Pull You Into A Situationship (5 Reasons Why)

Don't Let Any Man Pull You Into A Situationship (5 Reasons Why)

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In this dating advice video, I will explain to you why situationships should be avoided. Going on first dates, online dating, and just the overall dating process can get exhausting. Which then makes a situationship a lot more tempting. However, don't be quick to make that move. Take heed to these dating tips, and be sure to watch the entire video so that you can learn the reasons as to why you should not entertain a stuationship.

I get it that sometimes we get lonely and in these times you may want to have a warm body or someone in your life making it tempting for you to entertain a situationship. A situationship might work for you temporarily in such a moment, but there are some pitfalls and issues you need to be aware of and that is why I want to share with you five reasons you should not entertain a situationship.

You should not entertain a situationship because it is very likely that you are going to develop an unhealthy attachment. A situationship allows you to be physically or emotionally invested in a person and when you give your time, energy, and please someone in any kind of way, you are investing in them, which will later become very easy to be unhealthily attached to the individual.

When you entertain a situationship, it can become unnecessary destruction. Many people validate situationships as harmless and to be no big deal. However, the reality is that you are dealing with a human being who has emotions and can react in certain ways, which may bring drama your way. What you think is harmless can become huge destruction consuming time you could be working on other areas of your life.

A situationship will derail your growth and development because you will give the time that you should be focusing on yourself to other things in life. As a relationship coach, I know that we already have limited space and time and many people do not work on themselves how they should. People need to be creating time for themselves and their growth and when you bring in the situationship, you will take more precious time out of your life to give to a person with who you don’t have a future.

A situationship can add damage and hurt to your life because people get hurt and they carry the hurt and damage into their next relationships. Most of the time, many people go into situationships already damaged and they think that they are good and can handle and entertain a situationship.

You should not entertain a situationship because it can block your blessings. Entertaining situationships contribute to creating a wall of negative energy in your life because you will be destructed from the things you should not be entertaining in your life. You should not entertin a situatinship because a situationship will have an impact on your ability to receive, embrace, and sustain a healthy relationship with the right person.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful, and that you will be able to avoid situatioships and receive the man or woman who is truly best for you.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Why you should not entertain a situationship
- Should I entertain a situationship?
- Situationship advice from a relationship coach
- How to get out of a situationship
- Relationship advice on situationships
- Relationship advice
- Relationship coach
- Situationship
- Situationship advice
- Situationships
- Online dating
- Online dating tips
- Online dating tips for women
- Dating coach for men
- Dating coach for women
- Dating expert
- Dating advice for men
- Dating tips for men
- Dating tips for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women and men video will give you the clarity you need.



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