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How To Stop Him From Breaking Up With You
Ooh boy this is a hot topic!
If you think your relationship is in danger, you probably go on high alert…
And the one thing you gotta do is stop him from running away!
But how do you DO that?
Well that's what I'm going to tell you today in this video.
How to stop him from breaking up with you.
The first thing that I gotta tell you upfront is this:
Number one super important tip -
Don't try to talk him out of it!
You see his decision is an emotional decision not a logical decision.
Have you ever tried to argue with somebody rationally when they were in an emotional state?
If you did you probably figured out that it doesn't work very well.
Trying to talk someone out of something usually doesn't work very well.
Or you just end up begging.
And that isn’t pretty is it?
Only if you have an unbelievable amount of emotional self-control and confidence can you make this kind of conversation work.
Basically, you better be a damn good salesperson. I'm talking, top of your class!
Only then can you try a conversation with him.
I'm sure you're shaking your head right now, because you know you probably don't have that skill when it comes to an emotional conversation.
So just don't do it!
TIP #1:
Don't get needy and don't panic…
You must absolutely positively resolve not to lose your cool and panic
If you do…
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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
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