Not Getting Attention? How To Get Reassurance & Love From Him!

Not Getting Attention? How To Get Reassurance & Love From Him!

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Not Getting Enough Attention? Get Reassurance WITHOUT being needy

Sure, your man might have a demanding job and lots of 'distractions...'

But he should definitely be giving you attention too!

If you've ever felt like you needed more attention, like you're not a priority with him...

- but you didn't know how to get it without appearing needy -

That's what I'll show you in this video.

Not Getting Enough Attention? Get Reassurance WITHOUT being needy

Almost every woman has gone through the experience of wondering if she is being neglected or she's just being needy.

And then there is guilt and a ton of other confusing emotions in there.

You've got to be able to tell him that you need more attention.

And without seeming like you're "too much"

You don't want to appear needy, but you do have needs.

And right up front I want to tell you that's okay.

TIP 1: It's okay if you need more from your relationship

The most important thing you can do is to feel comfortable knowing this fact.

If you waffle around being uncertain, you won't get the respect or attention you need.

And this leads me to the next tip...

TIP 2: keep your eyes open in case you are being ...

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru

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