Transform Your Relationships: Unlock the Power of These 3 Essential Tools

Transform Your Relationships: Unlock the Power of These 3 Essential Tools

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What you are focusing on makes the difference between moving toward what you want with ease and flow vs. staying stuck.

Your focus can be shifted and mastered - making stuckness a blip on your timeline.

Here are the 3 tools I help my clients master to move through stuckness and become empowered creators in their lives, relationships, and work.

1. Speak LESS about the problem and MORE about what you want.

Sometimes we need to talk about what's bothering us. However, it becomes a problem when all we find ourselves talking about is what's not working and why.

It's not uncommon for a client I work with to be so consumed by a problem that they don't even know what they want.

When I ask them what they want, they often answer the question by discussing what they don't want.

A simple step to mastery is to devote just half of your energy to speaking about and exploring what you want, so things can begin to shift.

2. Visualize what you want in excruciating detail.

What's holding someone back is their nervous system doesn't feel safe with the unfamiliarity of achieving their dreams.

Your nervous system takes care of all autonomic functions: the emotions we feel, our heart rate, temperature, and breath.

Whenever we start to create a new reality for ourselves, whether that is a new healthy dynamic with a person we're interested in or, say, we step into a new level of leadership with the work we are doing; it requires our nervous system to upgrade to hold this new pattern.

Give your nervous system the practice of experiencing the fulfillment of what you want.

You have to visualize what you want and imagine what it will feel like already have that thing. Notice what sensations are present and what kind of commentary is in your mind.

The more you can allow your nervous system to acclimate to this new expanded level, the more it will be able to hold what you want in real life rather than contract back to what is familiar.

3. Welcome the challenges and problems that will come with getting what you want.

The grass may be greener on the other side but will still require de-weeding.

One of the ways our unconscious mind keeps us stuck is that we haven't made peace yet with the unexpected problems that will inevitably come when we get what we want.

Do you want a relationship with a healthy, devoted partner?

Get ready to get called forth in ways that are truly uncomfortable.

Get ready to face the fear of being rejected by someone that matters or face that niggling thought of unworthiness in the back of your mind.

Wanting to scale the work you do and have more impact?

Prepare for the increased responsibility, perhaps even deeper, to feel like an imposter as you grow into new shoes.

When you can anticipate these hidden challenges and consciously say "yes" to facing them with intention, you clear the obstacles from your unconscious mind and commit to the growth ahead.

Your commitment to creating in your life can lead you to all of the fulfillment you seek.

Please use these tools on your path, knowing that stuckness always moves and the only inevitable future is the one you are designing.

Appreciating you,

P.S. If you'd like to explore a coaching partnership where you've got me in your corner helping you remove the obstacles standing in your way to the relationship or life of your dreams, apply here:

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