hCG Diet Rounds Longer than 43 days and Short Breaks- Does this Work?

hCG Diet Rounds Longer than 43 days and Short Breaks- Does this Work?

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Full Article: http://hcgchica.com/extended-hcg-diet-rounds-short-3-week-hcg-diet-breaks/
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My weight loss story: http://hcgchica.com/before-and-after-hcg-diet-my-story/
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Can You Do Extended Rounds of the HCG Diet? Or How About Shorter Breaks?

Welcome back! In Part 1 of this series, we talked about the basic rules for how long you should wait after a round of hCG to start your next round. But there are two questions that often come up:

Are there times when it would:

1. work well to do the hCG Protocol for a longer period of time without stopping, or to take shorter than usual breaks between rounds?

2. be advantageous to take longer than normal breaks from the hCG Diet?
Read the full story here: http://hcgchica.com/extended-hcg-diet-rounds-short-3-week-hcg-diet-breaks/