Size 24 to 8 - 111lbs Lost After No Other Diet Worked but hCG - Episode 10: hCG Diet Interviews

Size 24 to 8 - 111lbs Lost After No Other Diet Worked but hCG - Episode 10: hCG Diet Interviews

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HCG Diet Reviews: 111lbs Lost After No Other Diets Worked -- Episode 10

She Ate Healthy and Exercised -- What Gives?

What I find most fascinating about Lisa's story is that she ate healthy. She exercised. She was responsible. Still she gained weight and could not lose it until she found, not the hCG Diet, but the hCG PROTOCOL. After all that's what this really is.

Some of you out there may be like her.

And maybe, like her, you had a doctor who told you that you must be lying or hiding something (ie that you're really stuffing your face with oreos in the closet- okay I actually HAVE done something like that myself in the past, but not Lisa!) because otherwise you WOULD be losing weight.

There are too many regular honest women out there with a similar story for them all to be making it up. Sadly, lack of natural respect for humans has led to some pretty weird insinuations by professionals in these fields.

She tried many different diets, diets that others successfully lost weight with- for her she would always lose the initial chunk the first week, chiefly due to water weight, then nothing following this after what would sometimes be months of effort including a 6 month stint on the Atkins diet.

The happy ending to this story is that after finding the hCG diet protocol, Lisa lost a whopping 111lbs with it. That's not simply three ones next to each other, that's ONE HUNDRED plus eleven. Continue reading here.....