Paleolithic Diet Definition - Part 2

Paleolithic Diet Definition - Part 2

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Publish Date:
July 2, 2024
Paleo Diet
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Your ancestors didn't start eating grain until agriculture was developed, so you'll be eating less of that on the Paleolithic diet plan. Some dark bread and brown rice now and again are fine though.

There are other "foods" you'll avoid on the Paleolithic diet menu, but most of these "foods" are food-like substances developed for our industrial society including chemical additives, refined and processed sugars, and high fructose corn syrup. These additives are toxins; most of them are already known to have negative health impacts, and not all those impacts are fully documented yet since their introduction into society was fairly recent for the most part. It's well known though that corn syrup and sugar can cause disease and also amplify the symptoms of diseases which are already present.

The Paleolithic Diet and Lifestyle
Not only did your earliest ancestors eat healthier foods, but they also led healthier lifestyles in many other ways than most modern people manage to. They spent time outdoors each day, and their work involved some low-level aerobic activity - not a sedentary lifestyle at a desk. Nor did they go out of their way to push themselves to extremes every day in an attempt to lose weight. They occasionally did a sprint or do the heavy lifting as a matter of survival, but this was enough. They didn’t overexert themselves
Fun Moderate Exercise just to try to look thinner, or suppress their immune systems by overtaxing their bodies. The Paleolithic lifestyle involves engaging in both low level and high-level aerobic activities in reasonable moderation.

Moreover, our ancestors took time to enjoy themselves. Part of the Paleolithic diet lifestyle is to get out in the sun, enjoy games with friends, and involve yourself in creative endeavors which make demands on your mental resources. This can have a significant effect on both your mood and your overall health. The Paleolithic diet is nothing short of living the way that nature designed you to exist. This means that adapting to the lifestyle should be relatively simple and stress-free. You may soon find yourself losing weight, feeling more energetic and refreshed, and getting more out of life.

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