Why the Paleo Diet | 30 Day Paleo Guide

Why the Paleo Diet | 30 Day Paleo Guide

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This is why the paleo diet 30 day guide is an excellent program for you to explore.

The bottom line is that it supports your paleo efforts. But why the paleo diet in the first place?

It's because it is simple. It is unlike the ketogenic diet, where you are forced to cut carbs to a dangerous degree to the point where your body is practically in starvation mode so you lose weight quickly. With paleo, you are simply funneling your food choices so that all of them are very healthy.

Instead of clogging arteries with fatty red meats and fat and sodium, it includes foods that are lean and contain healthy fats that help the heart, not hurt it.

It is also all about avoiding junk food, things loaded with excess salt and preservatives and who knows what kinds of sugars.

It’s all about avoiding starchy foods and processed foods and just eating the foods that nature designed us for as hunters and gatherers.

Paleo is more of a lifestyle than it is a calorie counting diet, although losing weight is a highly desirable side effect.

That said, why the paleo diet 30 day guide is a good idea is because human nature makes it hard to make desirable changes in our lives without a little help and support

This is why we highly recommend the 30 Day Guide to Paleo by Primal Palate and myKitchen to help with menus and meal planning. You will get plenty of guidance on your Paleo journey, even down to shopping list creation. Just go to this link: https://tinyurl.com/yyx8aqp2. You’ll be glad you did.

Well that was why the paleo diet 30 day guide is good for you to check out. . But please check out the rest of this video series on the paleo diet and lifestyle.

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